Bits of Inspiration from Dan Cederholm’s Design Journey

In the realm of design, Dan Cederholm is a household name β€” a master of his craft who wears many hats, from designer and entrepreneur to author, musician, and even licensed captain. As the co-founder of Dribbble and the creative force behind Cork’d, Dan’s innovative spirit shines through. Yet, it’s his profound insights into imperfection, authenticity, and the power of community in design that truly define his lasting influence in our field. His journey is a fascinating one, marked by a continuous thirst for learning, from his early love for type and letterpress printing to his foray into display fonts β€” now showcased in his new Creative Market shop. Whether you’re curious about type design, embarking on an entrepreneurial journey, or exploring the blurred lines between digital and physical design, Dan’s story is sure to inspire.

How did typography become a part of your world?

Dan’s journey into typography is a blend of passion and circumstance. Despite the challenges, his love for type persisted, eventually leading him to create a pixel font, a trend at the time. However, the complexities of the tools initially deterred him from further font creation. It wasn’t until he stumbled upon a vintage bank sign during the pandemic that his passion reignited. Inspired by the sign’s unique lettering, Dan embarked on a font design journey, which eventually led to the creation of his new font collection available on Creative Market. βš™οΈ

How did you master the art of making a font?

Dan credits Glyphs, a type design tool, for simplifying the font creation process for him. Once he started using Glyphs, everything clicked, and he found himself fully immersed in learning the craft. Starting with just a handful of letters, Dan gradually expanded his font, drawing inspiration from the vintage lettering that had captivated him. While he considers himself relatively new to type design, Dan’s passion for learning and sharing his experiences has been a driving force in his font design journey. πŸ’»

How did the pandemic change your perspective?

The pandemic provided Dan with the time and opportunity to delve into his long-standing fascination with typography. The extra time allowed him to pursue his passion for font design, which had been on the back burner for some time. It was during this period of reflection that Dan decided to take the leap and explore his passion for type design, leading to the creation of his new font collection. πŸ’‘

Where does the font design process start for you?

For Dan, the font design process often starts with a unique lettering or typographic style that catches his eye. Inspired by the vintage bank sign, Dan embarked on a journey to recreate the lettering, starting with just the letters β€˜vault’ and β€˜alarm’. Each letter became a puzzle to solve, immersing Dan in the creative process and leading to the creation of his new font collection. πŸ“

What has your learning process looked like?

Dan views type design as a continuous learning process. With each glyph he creates, he learns something new, refining his craft and improving with each design. While some may cringe at their early work, Dan embraces the imperfections of his early fonts, viewing them as a testament to his growth and evolution as a type designer. πŸ“š

What’s your favorite font thus far?

While it’s challenging for Dan to choose a favorite font from his collection, he holds β€˜Easy Coast’ in high regard. Despite not being the most popular or widely used, β€˜Easy Coast’ holds a special place in Dan’s heart due to its unique design and the inspiration behind it. The font’s journey from digital creation to physical wood type and back to digital form exemplifies the cyclical nature of design and the creative process. πŸ’«

Who do you design for?

What kinds of brands use your fonts? Dan envisions his fonts being used by independent designers and illustrators who appreciate the handmade, quirky nature of his designs. While he acknowledges that his fonts may not be suitable for every brand, he hopes they find a place with brands seeking a genuine, playful, and imperfect aesthetic. πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

What are your top resources for beginners?

For beginners in design, Dan recommends embracing writing as a way to document and share your learning journey. By sharing your experiences and insights, you not only help others but also solidify your own understanding and growth. Dan emphasizes the importance of overcoming impostor syndrome and building a community around your work, as it can be a source of support and inspiration. πŸ“š

Dan Cederholm is a well-known figure in the design world, known for his diverse creative endeavors, including design, entrepreneurship, writing, and music. He co-founded Dribbble and created Cork’d, showcasing his innovative spirit and multifaceted talents.


What inspired Dan Cederholm to start creating fonts?

Dan’s font design journey was sparked by a vintage bank sign he saw in Salem, Massachusetts, just before the pandemic. The unique lettering on the sign intrigued him, leading him to delve into the world of typography and font design.

How did Dan master the art of making fonts?

Dan credits Glyphs, a type design tool, for simplifying the font creation process for him. Starting with just a few letters, he gradually expanded his font, drawing inspiration from the vintage lettering that had captivated him.

What is Dan’s favorite font from his collection?

While it’s challenging for Dan to choose a favorite font from his collection, he holds β€˜Easy Coast’ in high regard. Despite not being the most popular or widely used, β€˜Easy Coast’ holds a special place in Dan’s heart due to its unique design and the inspiration behind it.

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Authored by: [Niamh]

This collaborative research-driven exploration required [1] day of dedication and [2 to 3] hours of meticulous crafting.

Connect with me on Twitter: [@niamh_dcreator]

Thank you for your interest.
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Niamh O'shea β€” π—¨π—«β—¦π—¨π—œ π——π—˜π—¦π—œπ—šπ—‘π—˜π—₯

Niamh O'Shea: Your UX/UI Design Fairy ✨ I help brands sparkle with pixels & magic. Join me for insights, tips, and adventures in the world of design.